So as I was reading Annie's blog today, I realized it has been 7 months since my last post. Wow. So much has happened since then! I feel like I should update my three lovely readers whom I love very, very much.
Almost 6 months ago, I started doing yoga teacher training (we'll call it TT, for short) with some amazing people. All ages, all sizes, all kinds of everything. My TT is the first one that is accredited by the state of Utah AND The Yoga Alliance, which means I am the real deal, peeps. Since then, my yoga practice has improved tons and I feel like I know how to relax in a way I never thought possible, unless it involved Tylenol PM. I have taught quite a few classes, including Upward Bound kids and girls that are currently in the Observation Unit in SLC. Love those girls, by the way. Love their sassyness and the dirty looks I get from them when I make class extra hard. It all pays off when I get sweaty hugs from them at the end of each practice. Ew I feel like I am this girl I know that sells Mary Kay shit and all she talks about is how Mary Kay has changed her life on her blog...sorry girls.
Boomer and Petunia are doing great, spoiled like always. Work is still crazy, I do enjoy being the only girl that works at the Tower though...and I'm finally getting the hang of it, too. People listen to my recommendations like I am some kind of Film Guru and people (as in boys and girls) flirt with me in hopes of getting free stuff. Suckers! Working at the Tower is much better than working at the Broadway, but I do like both places. The pay es no bueno, but at least I have a job...and I job I like.
Other than that, not much is going on. Let me know if anyone wants their ass kicked by me and yoga, I'll do it for free until I graduate next month. Looks like I'll be teaching stinky crust punks at the Boing! Collective and quite a few friends from work...so I'm excited. But yeah. Awesome. Writing on here again feels kind of awkward. Weird.
ps: the pose on the top of the page, Astavakrasana, is my current fave.