Wednesday, February 4, 2009

say WHAT?!

ps: this entry sounds like crap because i am writing it and talking on the phone at the same time.

living where i live isn't cheap. nothing is cheap these days, i guess. but one of the perks of living where the husb and i live is that there are ASSIGNED parking spots. i took it for granted until they started remodeling the pillars on the bottom floor and i had to park on the street for 2 months, but i am very grateful for it now. which is why it pisses me off to NO END when i come home and there is a car in my effing spot. today there were literally 10 other spots, but the beast of a man chose MINE. now, if there is a van parked there or if it is a person who is cleaning an apt or doing remodeling (i have those people's cars memorized, thank you very much), i let it slide. my spot is right by the steps, and i would hate to haul a vacuum across the parking lot to then go up the stairs. and plus, the people who clean here are SO nice. i've even attempted my spanish with a few of them, and they understood me (so shove it, all of you who think i don't know espanol). good thing smiling is a universal thing though. ANYWAY, the car that was in my spot was a jacked up Grand Cherokee. he got some minus points right off the bat for the U2 and Linkin' Park stickers (sorry, anna banana) and for the car being jacked up, so we were already off to a very bad start. as i start to doodle a note for the effer, the dude comes out talking on his cell phone. he was already annoyed when he saw that i was parked behind his car, but as he looked at me i said "HEY! that's my SPOT!" (please remember how geeky i am and how not even my meanest scowl and voice scare anyone, including my terrier). just when things couldn't get any cooler, he goes...actually, this is easier:

Flavia: HEY MOTHER EFFER, THAT'S MY EFFING SPOT! (just kidding, i didn't say it like that)

the dude: just a MINUTE, i'm on the PHONE!

Flavia: ?! (i hate a WTF look on my face)

the dude: i'm LEAVING, okay? JEEEEZ.

yeah. no apologies, no nothing. wanna hear something else that's bad? i got an awesome vest at j. crew that makes me smell like b.o. i know what you are thinking, how can that be?! well, the armpits are too high on it and there is no ventilation, so therefore i smell like b.o. now. and all during french class, i felt embarrassed because i knew people could smell me. and i got up early and showered AND washed and blow dried my hair! so i looked so fresh and so clean clean (love that song), but smelled like b.o. awesome.


Annie said...

Flavia, it makes me happy that you were going to write this jerk a note and leave it for him. And WTF with him not even apologizing?!

Your experience reminds me of a story. A couple nights ago, I heard this non-stop honking in our parking lot (we have numbered spots as well). Seriously, the dude was laying on the horn for whole minutes at a time, stopping for a little bit, and then continuing on. This went on for a bit, so I kept going outside to see what the crap was going on...I finally got sick of it, so I put on my coat and shoes and stormed outside to confront whoever it was that was causing the commotion. Turns out it was some guy in his huge, ugly red truck, HONKING so someone would come move out of his spot. Yes, please, let's annoy the ENTIRE neighborhood! I got outside just in time to see a woman come out of the building next door and pull out of his spot so that he could screech into it. People are so dumb!!

So thank you for not honking. Notes are definitely the way to go. I'm thinking about leaving a note on that stupid guy's truck telling him what an idiot he is...

Melissa: said...

People like that make me crazy. My initial response is to be violent and destructive.

Anna said...

Salt Lake U2 fans are known to be dicks.