Wednesday, October 1, 2008

so the thing i like to do best when i have a shitty week is make fun of other people. people who think they are cool, especially.
that's my aunt. she's from russia. she is 50 years old. yes, 50. botox much? that's her horse. he bucked me off. he is a mean stallion. he sure is pretty though. my aunt thinks she is a supermodel and that everybody loves her. they don't, though. she got a Faberge Egg for her birthday. she thinks she is royalty. she is an awful dresser.
i know it might sound like i am jealous of her (i am just jealous of her for being extremely rich and having that gorgeous horse) but i'm not. she treats my cousins like shit and wants my uncle all to herself.
i just had to vent. thanks.


Jack Hattaway said...

What is your work schedule these days?

chucho said...

hahaha c'mon Jack, trash my aunt!
my work schedule SUCKS BALLS. I work practically every night. I have two days off a week, and other than that I work 2:30pm-10:30pm. And I work every weekend. I do have Wed and Thur off next week, but other than I am hanging out at Whole Foods. Good thing I love love love the people I work with.
Are you going to come visit me?!?

Anna said...

Flavia - Thanks for your comment on my blog. I will make sure Lisa knows that you guys are thinking of her. I've actually heard your name many times before. Tara loves you!