Thursday, November 20, 2008


**Picture Donald Trump here! His picture is not loading. Bummer!**

I got fired. Yup. At first, I cried. And then I got pissed. And then I cried again. I still don't get exactly what happened, but let's just say I wasn't fired because I deserved it. Part of me is glad though...I mean, I leave for Brasil in 10 days, I never have to do dishes or take the garbage out at Whole Foods again, I don't have to put up with rude people who get mad at me because the pizza is by the pound or because we are out of cheddar cheese. For that, I am grateful. But I'm going to miss the people I worked with. Wesley, the coolest 19 year old EVER, became one of my best friends and we would laugh for the entire 8 hours we worked together. We would sing, dance, make rude people shitty sandwiches with the shitty, fatty pieces of chicken, give nice people free was da bomb. I know that whatever job I get next will be totally different than what I have experienced for these passed 9 weeks. Yes, it was hard, and yes, I came home crying sometimes...but boy, oh boy, did I have fun.
So now, let's move on. I'd like to give a special shout out to tha T-BONE (HOLLAAAA!) and her husband, Bretters, who cooked me the BEST chicken lasagna I have ever had. Sorry I didn't eat the bread crusts, T. Their pup Stella is sure adorable. Not only does she have a precious under bite, she also made me feel very loved by giving me kisses and playing with me the entire night. LOVE YOU, STELLS!
I am so excited to be going home to Brasil for 19 days. I can't wait to see my mom and dad and grandpa and my cousins and the maids and my uncle and hell, even the Russian! I want to ride that stallion again (the Russian is not a stallion, her horse is the stallion. Just want to clear that up), maybe I won't get bucked off this time. I chose to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with Ammon this year, and not with my fam. He better the hell feel special, that's all I'm gonna say about that. I'm so crazy about my family that I would not miss the chance of hanging out with them during xmas time for anyone else. I love my husband a whole lot, that's for sure.
I'm so glad he is home from his classy, fancy business trip. I really wished he would have bought me a hoodie with the hotel's name on it, but I did get an awesome pearl in a can with salty water and a bunch of chocolate I already ate. It was delish.
Oh and just to finalize this really lame entry, I have an awful cold. I had a fever the last few days and my nose was super bloody. When I got home from going on a rather long walk with my dawgs, I realized I had blood all over my white hoodie and I had a blood moostach. I bet people were totally trying to like, flag me down on the street. If I saw it though, I'd be like, "yeaaaah, I look HAWTT today! Look at all these people MAD DAWGGIN' me!".
Lastly, I would like to thank Miss Lacy May and Miss Kate Marie for visiting me at work. Tara and Brett also visited me once. Thanks guys! and THANKS Ann, for never stopping by, even though I was like, 5 min from your house. THANKS. Now you'll never see me in my Whole Foods beret. Sucks to be you.


Annie said...

That makes me so sad that they fired you!! Well, who needs 'em, right?! But a trip to Brasil sounds awesome! I want to read all about it when you get home!

Also, I got your comment on my blog...onions and sugar? Was this a mixture of sorts? Definitely strange...

Ann said...

Miss Kitty, I am sorry to hear that you got fired. However, I am happy to help you find a more stable workplace. I just want you to be happy.

To my small, measly, bad friendish credit, I did try to come see you one night, but I was thwarted.

Forgive me someday. Maybe when I give you a good reference for another job.

Tara Shirley said...

Um, just to clarify, I came to visit you TWICE! Remember when I came in crying cause of baby stuff? Anywho, sucks you got fired, but I like when you don't have a job cause I get to see you more! yAY! HA!

Glad to hear Ann is going to get you a job, just like she always gets Ammon a job.