Monday, August 11, 2008

Brasil pride!

So everybody knows I am in love with my country. Ammon has said that I am worse than a Texan when it comes to my pride. Well, my pride just got a little bigger...we just got Bronze medals in the men and women's division of Judo! WOO-MOTHER FUCKIN-HOO! Let me tell you, I cried. Watching two people who grew up poor, who mentioned they sometimes didn't have money for food and obviously didn't have money to take lessons, but beat all odds and won medals. How cool is that? I love my country for so many reasons, but the main one is that we are fighters! We don't give up. I know how much potential my contry has, and I have been saying for over 5 years now that I have faith in our economy and that it will get better for everyone in Brasil. You people just wait, give us a few more years and we'll show you how amazing we are!!!!

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