Friday, August 22, 2008

I got a man!

I love these cheesy things.

1. What is his name? Ammon Leon Pate.

2. Who eats more? He does, but he eats good-for-you food.

3. Who said "I love you" first? I'm sure I did.

4. Who is taller? It's pretty easy to beat 5'3.

5. Who is smarter? We are smart about different kinds of things. Ammon is really smart about everything that matters, like politics and interesting stuff. I am smart about not so useful things, like dog breeds and who draws for what designer. OH and I can spot a fake handbag from MILES away.

6. Who is more sensitive? I am, by a million.

7. Who does the laundry? Me. I actually kind of like it. I do ruin things, but I'm learning.

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Laying down, I'm on the right side.

9. Who pays the bills? He does! I'm awful with money.

10. Who cooks more? I'm trying to cook more, but he cooks way more than me.

11. Who is more stubborn? Both of us!

12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? We both admit it.

13. Who has more siblings? He does.

14. Who wears the pants in this relationship? We each wear a leg of the relationship pant.

15. What do you like to do together? We like to travel a lot...and eat. OH I think ride bikes is number one, though. We love riding our bikes to the Farmer's Market every Saturday morning to eat Belgian Waffles.

16. Who eats more sweets? ME. By far.

17. Guilty pleasures? Bike stuff. He loves bikes. As soon as he bought his Bianchi, he already wanted another one. It's so cute.

18. How did you meet? I am sure everyone knows this already, but here goes: I knew his brother Elias and was hanging out with him and his friend Bryan. We had to go to his house and Ammon was there. I sat on the corner, all embarrassed because I was still wearing my lame plaid skirt and knee high uniform from school and of course, Ammon made fun of me. I got a crush on him right that second!

19. Who asked whom out first? Hmmm...there wasn't much of an asking out that went on. I asked him to come to Brasil to visit me, I think that's about as close to a date we ever got.

20. Who kissed who first? Ammon and I made a plan over the phone that I would pick him up at the airport (the first time he came to brasil) and we would kiss in the car. We would be listening to my favorite No Doubt song and it would be all perfect and stuff. So when Ammon finally got in my car from the airport, we just started kissing and giggling and it was hilarious. I just remember blushing really bad. But it was the best kiss ever.

21. Who proposed? Again, not much of a proposal. We just always knew we were gonna do it. We lived in separate apartments by Trolley Square and after about 6 months that I had been here, I got home from school and saw a guy dying from an overdose. I freaked out. Ammon came home, and we just thought, eh, we are gonna get married anyway, let's just go find a place and move outta here! Proposals sometimes seem weird to me when it comes to Ammon, cause I've known him for so long. We have more of a "best friends who have sex" relationship.

22. His best features and qualities? Wow. Um, my favorite quality of Ammon's is how he just listens to me when I cry. He always pays attention to everything I say. He doesn't judge me and the things I like. He doesn't make fun of me when I don't know something. He teaches me something new every day, which is amazing. He loves me for who I am, faults and all. He cooks for me. He puts my towel in the drier so it is warm when I get out of the shower. He makes me laugh like nobody else can. He makes me feel like a babe. My family is in love with him, especially my grandpa. He is patient and sweet. I would so not be in the United States if he wasn't a part of my life. Just the things I go through at Border Patrol every time I come back from goodness. Oh and for his features...he has the most delicious body I have ever seen. I better not write anymore cause he'll be mad at me if he reads this.


Ann said...

You two are fantastic! You are some of my favorite people ever. Thanks for telling your cute stories. I love to have material to use on Ammon to initiate blushing.

Ah, sweet. :)

Laceski said...

*Does* Ammon read this? :) Oh, I can see the blushing and eye-rubbing already. Awesome. ;)

Tara Shirley said...

Um, it's good you stopped talking about his delicious body, I've known him for too long to think about him having a delicious body. Although it's a good thing you think it's delicious! You're so cute.