Tuesday, January 27, 2009

be ready to be jealous!

guess who is HOME right now, all cuddled up in warm blankets? Yup, me, Boomer and the Toonce! I was really excited to be able to watch The City, Daddy's Girls and GG this morning, but unfortunately GG is a rerun. Bummer.
I slipped and ALMOST fell yesterday by the library at school and landed on my right ankle. It's been weak since I was 16 and tried to jump over a bush to land on the street, but landed in the gutter instead. Yeah, Ammon was there with me though so it wasn't that bad. But still, it hurts. he wrapped my ankle for me which proves he really does love me, since he had to stare at my feet for like over a minute. i think my feet are way cute, especially since they aren't all crocked from all my years of ballet, but everybody knows how bad ammon hates feet. a foot fungus spray commercial can ruin his whole day.
I haven't updated cause there really isn't much going on. Val is still cancer-free, i'm still not eating chocolate (6 more months! woohoo!) and things in Brasil are fine.
OH here is something awesome! Guess what Ammon and I watched at home yesterday? The Wrestler. You might be asking yourself, isn't that movie JUST BARELY out? oh yes, it is. let me tell you, it feels awesome to know people who know people that are film critics. i also want to watch that Shopaholic movie that looks totally lame but the person who did the outfits is the same lady who did Sex and the City. I will probably have to go by myself, I can't see ammon enduring 90 minutes of a crappy movie just for vintage Dior.
i am very excited to meet tara's baby today. can you imagine, a tincy tara? i can't wait. i've been praying all morning. btw, did you guys hear about the woman who had octuplets in LA? that's like, as many puppies as a Lab has! crazy.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I totally have to turn away when the foot fungus commercials come on with those scary cartoony fungi.