Monday, January 5, 2009

pissed off at stuff and lacy

so normally i am a pretty chipper gal...i try to be positive, i am hardly ever in a bad mood and i worry about others before myself. i sound like a gem, right? not quite. being so sweet has taken a toll on me and i have been a grumpy bear the passed few weeks. my grumpyness goes away when i see the husband, but when i'm by myself i am so pissed off about everything i can't stand it! i don't know what is wrong with me. actually, i do. people piss me off. stupid people. i am pissed val has cancer and so many other fuck faces i know are healthy. i am pissed i am craving so much sugar. i am pissed about people who are selfish mother fuckers and only worry about themselves. and i'm pissed at lacy. yes, at lacy. i haven't seen miss lacy for a while, but she pisses me off. i just read her last entry to her blog and i am PISSED. i was pissed mass got cancelled, and reading the bullshit she wrote about herself made me huff out loud.

Dear Lacy:
You piss me off. How dare you say such negative things about yourself? I think you are so sweet and smart, generous, funny and all-around amazing, why the FUCK are you so hard on yourself? I can introduce you to plenty of losers, if you need a self esteem boost. If you want to go back to school, do it. But don't say you want to go back because you want to make something of yourself. Do you know what a doofus I am? that I am 27, got fired from a fucking grocery store and I am yet to graduate from school? Or maybe that I pay over $100 every month to go to Yoga and I haven't been to class in months?! Seriously. Or maybe that I dream about my dead dog at least once a week and giggle out loud and call out "HERSHEY!" in my sleep?! Lacy! Please. If you want to have a loser contest, I'll win. Don't even challenge me.
I adore everything about you and I hate feeling all helpless when you write sad posts. I am only writing this to you here because one, I don't have your email and two, you left the comments off on your blog.

I feel better. I am so classy, love it.


Laceski said...

Umm... I love you too?

In my defense: I'm sure we all know people who are loserier than I am, but that wasn't the point. I've never done anything that I've been truly passionate about and never accomplished anything that I am genuninely proud of. I've done things, and I got through school alive, but none of it amounts to what I thought I would be or who I thought I would be at this point. I lead an unimpassioned life and that leads to depression. There just isn't a whole lot out there that makes me excited about life. And being excited about TV just makes me feel all the more pathetic.

Laceski said...

In other news, Gossip Girl is finally back! And I think Blair is headed for one hell of a meltdown. Seems Chuck won't be the only one to completely fly off the handle this season. I can't wait!