Thursday, January 8, 2009

i wish...

one, i wish i was as skinny as this betty girl that does a fashion blog i read daily. two, i wish i lived in paris, like her. going to paris 10 times hasn't cured me of my paris fever...yet. i want to LIVE there.

which brings me to my new year's resolutions. you know how for lent, people give up something they love for a week? well i decided to go a tiny step over and give something up for 8 months. chocolate. chocolate and i love each other. i gave it up to ask for blessings for Val during her surgery and recovery. problem is, i have actual dreams that i am eating chocolate. mmm, i love chocolate. so i guess one of my resolutions is to be strong and find a new snack.

another of my resolutions is to go to yoga 5 times a week. i love love love yoga, so that won't be a problem...problem is, i never find time. i also want to eat healthier, still only eat chicken or fish once a week and not be anemic, and stop eating things that are bad for me. i love things that are bad for me. not alcohol and cigs, but you know...chocolate, cupcakes, macaroons, big bowls of pasta, 5 slices of settebello pizza, french fries, you name it. so yes, i will eat better. and i will go back to weighing 110bs, once i lose these damn 8 lbs.

i'll think of more as i go. OH i also want to be a better dog mom and go on hikes more than twice a week. AND i want to get a job!!!! i would love a job.

we'll see. OH i also want Gwen to be born so i can hold her and so she won't be a 9lb baby and kill T.

1 comment:

Tara Shirley said...

HAHAHAHAHA! I love EVERYTHING about this post.

You can stay strong and stay away from the unhealthy things in life. As soon as Gwen is born I will be joining you in your quest for health and weight loss.