Thursday, January 15, 2009

run, petunia, run

have you ever had an idea that you felt was bad from the start? i have. i actually always have them, but i just tell myself i'll be fine. i made one of those decisions this afternoon.
i went to class in the morning, and when i got home, i decided to go crazy and clean everything. after that, i thought i'd take the pups for a hike. i waited til Ammon got home, hoping he'd come with me, but turns out he didn't want to. i am really afraid to hike in the dark, but i thought it was still pretty light out and that St. Francis would have all the animals (cougars, tigers, bears...animals that hang out at Red Butte Garden) stay put inside their little homes while i was out and about. i never recovered from the day Boomer got attacked by the moose, so i'm still know, pretty freaked out. especially since Boomer "forgets" to listen sometimes when we go hiking.
Anyway, it started getting dark pretty fast. As soon as I started the hike, i saw a deer leg, femur exposed and all. i just prayed that the lil' critter that ate it would stay put til i got home. still, the entire hike (which i basically jogged out, since i was so scared of every little sound) i kept on thinking every person was like a t-rex in the distance that was going to devour my golden retriever/yellow lab mix and eat me and jack russell mix right after. i had no i.d. on me, so how were they going to identify my body? i've never had any cavities, so that wouldn't work. and the animal would probably eat all my skin, so they couldn't i.d. me with the help of my tattoos...yeah. scary shit.
but, St. Francis helped me out and i made it, guys. i'm still alive, skin, teeth and all. and i can still go to ann's dinner on friday. yay! that's what i call a lovely night.
ps:the sunset was beautiful and it was totally worth being scared for 30 minutes to witness it.

1 comment:

Tara Shirley said...

I don't agree with you going on night hikes! That's dangerous and you shouldn't do it. Shame on Ammon for not going with you!

Really, no cavities?!