Wednesday, January 7, 2009


so yesterday was one of the best days of my life. no, i didn't get a new dog or found i am pregnant with triplets...instead, i got a best friend back. val had surgery yesterday to remove her tumor (she had HPV and never took care of it...) and after 7 hours of surgery, the doctors were able to remove the tumor and all (ALL!) the cancerous tissue. oh, how i cried. and laughed. at the same time. i couldn't stop hugging ammon and he finally asked me if i was that happy, how could i possibly still be crying? well, because i'm latin. and us latin folk cry when we are happy, sad, excited, know. kind of like how guns and roses has a song for every occasion (if you are feeling like a rebel: welcome to the jungle. romantic: november rain. really happy: paradise city. if you are pregnant: sweet child o' mine), us latin people can adapt our tears to whatever the need.

that's val up there on that picture. that's the dog she adopted. and those are her kids. and yes, one of her sons is wearing a Thundercats tshirt. i love that shirt.

so bring it on, 2009. i'm ready for whatever you have in store for me.

1 comment:

Tara Shirley said...

I'm so happy for Val and you! I hope this helps keep you in a good mood for a long while!!