So last night it was pretty cold. As I was taking my pups out for one last pee (I take them on a rather long stroll at about 6-7pm, and then when 9-10pm comes around i just make them pee real fast out front), I was surprised by my down-the-hall neighbors. These aren't just good old regular neighbors, these peeps are AWESOME college people that dress cool and drive a green 4 Runner. The girl has been pretty rude to me before, and the guy is just dirty. Like "needs to shower" dirty, he hasn't like, sexually harassed me or anything. So anyway, as I am walking passed their door, the slut storms out and KNEES my Boomer on the riblets! And he even like, HUFFED to catch his breath! Lacy, can you believe this?! So Petunia is out for revenge as she tries to jump for the girl's jugular, but I stopped her just in time. I was so surprised and scared, I didn't even know what to say. I wanted to say "EXCUSE YOU!", but I thought she would kick my ass. She seems like that type. And then this morning, after I dropped Ammon off at work, the dirty guy was warming his car up and he SPIT on the ground as he was getting in. EW.
That is a horrible picture and a HORRIBLE story. I would have told the stupid chick off, or just let Petunia go after her!
WTF?! Who DOES that?! Oooh, she deserves a world of hurt. If I know Ammon, he likely has more than a few ideas for how to get back at them (you know, back from his fiesty anti-establishment days). Let 'em have it! ;)
And I agree with Tara-- that picture is pretty terrifying...
i was going to let Petunia go after her, but what if she kicked my little flower's face?!
when i got home, i told ammon about it and he said (EXACT words), "not everyone likes animals...". at that point i decided i should get one of those pink Everlast punch bags for our guest room.
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