Thursday, August 14, 2008

"pursuing other applicants"

so, today i got denied for the first time when applying for a job. and this is so lame, because i knew i wouldn't get it but i tried anyway. i have no idea why i tired, but hey...i did. i got interviewed for management position at abercrombie and fitch. do i shop there? no. have i ever even worked in retail? no. but i wanted to try it. the guy that interviewed me was really nice, but kind of dumb. he was like, 30 years old and had been with abercrombie for 5 years. not exactly my idea of a stellar job, but what do i know. so he kept on asking me all these "leadership" questions and quite honestly, i am not very good at bossing people around or even telling people what to do. obviously, he saw that. he just told me that his boss decided to "pursue other applicants" but that i am great and "hey, best of luck to ya!". right. idiot. like that makes me feel any better! and who says "best of luck to ya!" anyway? douche bags do. BUT, i already had a banana republic job up my sleeve...i got offered it yesterday. it's just, i don''s part time and the pay blows. but at least i won't have to prepare food or get treated like crap cause someone's steak isn't cooked properly...right? and i get amazing i'll look cute. and it's right by my house. and i'll be able to go to school part time too, which is what i should do anyway.
ammon made me feel a lot better by telling me that he has been denied for jobs he applied for we have that in common as well. we are total and complete soul mates now. meant to be, and written in the stars.
let's hang out soon, i miss you girls.
ps: come to banana republic and visit me!!! i start like....thursday, i think.


Tara Shirley said...

Hey, Banana Republic will be an awesome job! Congrats! Which one are you at? And really, if you worked at Aerobic and Bitch (as my friend's mom likes to call it) I would think less of you. HA!

I'm emailing Ammon to get your email address to answer your question.

Laceski said...

Here's a little something to take the sting off the Abercrombie and Fitch situation. :)

Laceski said...

And it looks like the link won't actually post correctly, so I'll email it to you.

bonanzadance said...

I actually have no idea what it's like to be turned down for a job, so I can't be at all sympathetic.

...then again, that's why my resume includes jobs like: janitor, furniture mover, delivery boy.

Ugh, being this close to age 30, I should probably aim my sites a little higher.