Monday, September 8, 2008


So, since I won Ann's contest (thanks to my new cyber friend, Jessica!) , it is my turn to do my own! I won't reveal the prize, but I promise it will be good.

I am obssessed with all things relating to Brasil. Come up with a phrase in Portuguese and my favorite (and the one that makes the most sense) will take the prize.

c'mon guys, please try to win the prize...i promise promise promise it will be good! you won't regret it.


Laceski said...

Come on Babel Fish, don't fail me now!

Você sabe que você me ama. Menina da Bisbolhetice.

Jack Hattaway said...

I was looking for a phrase about pony shaped cakes, but what follows is all that I could find...

"Hoje eu acuendei um bofe bafo"

chucho said...



Jack Hattaway said...

I'm sure it was something inappropriate having to do with satisfying copulation with a hot partner -- it was on the web, it must be true.

How about:
nenhuma beleza sem dor

Ann said...

Lacy - you are indeed the "Girl of the Gossip."

Laceski said...

Heh, yeah the title "Gossip Girl" just didn't translate as well as one would hope... It would be like translating Dawson's Creek into the Creek of Dawson--just doesn't have quite the same ring to it...

Tara Shirley said...

OK, so first of all, I LOVE Ross the intern. LOVE. LOVE. Second, my phrases don't have anything to do with GG, but they are pretty cute/funny. My friend wanted to give me a really dirty saying, but then he decided it was too dirty... which really I think would be perfect, but he wouldn't give it to me. So instead you got this.

Se você é capaz de sorrir quando tudo deu errado, é porque já descobriu em quem pôr a culpa.


Pois não?

The last one just doesn't make sense so it's funny.

chucho said...

Tara, both of those are too perfect...!
Here is the thing: I'm going to give everybody a prize! YAY! Lacy gets one because her sentence has to do with Gossip Girl. Jack gets one because first of all, he tried. And second, he is going to bake me a cake in the shape of a pony for my birthday. And T-bone gets a prize because she's pregnant. HOORAAAY! I will think of some prizes toight (everyone's will be different, duh) and I will let you all know soon.
Thank you so much for humoring me, guys! I was a little bummed Annie didn't try. Two thumbs down for Annie.

Tara Shirley said...

YAY! We all win?! Can't wait to find out what it is!!

Annie said...

Oh no! I read this a couple days ago, but I thought I was too late to even try! Well, after reading your *latest* blog entry, I figure you will have already gotten prizes, but let me give this a shot anyway:

Boa sorte em seu trabalho novo, você menina fabulosa!

And I mean it!