Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hi guys!
Yesterday work was fun. It is slowly getting better, as I get more and more used to being looked at strangely by customers. Slicing gross deli meat, making sandwiches and sometimes being over at the smoothie and coffee part I guess means you aren't cool to some people. Good thing I have friends who still love me just the same as when I didn't have a job. Heehee. And I've been making some friends at work, too! I have been invited to go out with them twice. I am so dead after standing up for 8 hours though, honestly the last thing on my mind is drunk karaoke at some awesome bar.
I have a great story that happened to me yesterday, during lunch. I am going to try my hardest to be as descriptive as possible, because this story is very cool and you need to picture the full on snottyness that is this lady.
As I sit over by the juice and java bar thing, I see a lady walking towards Abby and I. Abby is this totally gorgeous, totally nice girl I met yesterday and who I have apparently fooled into thinking I am cool like her. Anyway, here comes this lady. She had on black pumps (LAAACYYYY!!!), black tight leggins and a black sweater-shirt with a thick gold belt around her waist to accentutate her figure. Keep in mind this lady is around 75 years old. She had a shitload make up on as well. She starts talking to Abby and I and asks Abby (who was at the little register) to weight her salad from the salad bar. There was practically no salad, and a smidge of tuna was in the corner. It looked like cat food. I hate tuna unless it's raw, like sushi tuna. Anyway, the lady asks where the water was. It was right in front of her, in one of those jar things that you have to push the little lever down for the water to come out. What does the lady do? She holds her glass up to the water thing and LOOKS AT ME, SO I WILL PUMP THE DAM WATER FOR HER! I nearly peed my pants. I was in total shock! I didnt even have time to think about what I was doing, I just pumped it for her (sounds like I did a dirty dance number for her or something! I "pumped it for her"! hahaha) and looked at Abby. So then, the lady, who I later found out is known as "Botox Face Lady" by all employess at Whole Foods says "I liked the old water filter better." I was busy looking down at the register, so what does Botox Face say? "ARE YOU HEARING ME?!" Holy shit! I said I was and I was sorry to hear about her water issues. Bummer for her. Maybe she can get more botox to make herself feel better when she is done with her smidge of tuna? So Abby and I giggle as Botox Face leaves and Danielle, equally gorgeous and sweet and vegan queen master asks us if we realize who that is. We didn't. Well, turns out Botox Face is....are you guys ready? This is HUGE. I seriously gasped out loud, Ann style. Okay, so Botox Face is THE ORIGINAL CATWOMAN! From like, Batman and Robin in the 70's! There was some tv show or something and she was it, she is the real deal! We even saw 2 people asking her for autographs while we giggled at our celebrity encounter.
Who says Whole Foods is all bad? HA!


Laceski said...

Okay, I would so rather be Chuck than Jenny! I think I'm eviler than Jenny anyways... Oh, let's face it. I'm Dorota and I should just learn to live with it. :(

Laceski said...

And on a much more topical note, would that be Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt? I think there was actually a third one who played Catwoman as well, but I can't remember her name...

TomKat said...
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TomKat said...

Okay, so I just have to tell you that this post made me laugh out loud at my desk.

You don't know me, but yes, I do read your blog...hopefully it isn't as creepy as I just made it sound.